Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Diary Entries

First Day at School.
It was the first day of school  and i was excited at first until i entered the entrance door it was huge everyone looking at me. It was huge school more 2 acres of land it had many rooms and a yard filled with courts. My first teacher Ms. Jackie  was a nice teacher for now and she directed us with some procedures and rules for the year she said " well class today were going to talk about class rules" First, no chewing gum. Second raise your hands when told. My next teacher or coach was my prefect, a boy who I didn`t remember his name he was a hard headed man he just liked to tease freshman so then he ,said to sit down and wait for him. It took him half of the class to give us instructions and forms to fill out. We went to lunch and had pizza not the best but better than my old school.
Taking my first steps into the class I heard a huge outburst of derisive laughter, accompanied by taunts directed by me. I seemed to have appealed to the mean streak in those students, and was the object of their ridicule, with words like "nerd"," geek" and "loser" being thrown at me. I was astonished at this seemingly strange reaction, which deflated my high spirits. Nevertheless I tried to ignore it and went and sat quietly in one lonely corner of the class. The teacher in the class was unable to control this atrocious behaviour.

First day at my new house!
May, 1999.
When I went to my new house finished in May of 1999, me and my sister get inside and run to the rooms to select one, the rooms are at the 2nd floor of the house and Itry to select one room and my older sisters finished the process to select the rooms, and I stay there without room because, the 2nd floor just have three rooms. When my dad comes up, I start explaining why I didn`t have room there, and my father said to my sister that im the male of four dotters, and y stay with a room and two of my sisters have to share her rooms.

My first bycicle.
In christmast of December, 2001, my dad (sta. claus), give to me a bycicle, to learn to ride. First times I fall too much, but my father learn me to ride better, and today that bycicle are in the garage of my house.

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