Monday, November 5, 2012

Rohypnol Physiological Effects

Like other sedative/hypnotic drugs, Rohypnol produces a drowsy, relaxed feeling similar to being drunk. Muscles feel relaxed and speech may be slurred. Blood pressure can drop dangerously low. The effects of Rohypnol may last anywhere from two to eight hours, depending on the person taking it and the dosage they are taking. Some people report experiencing the physical effects for up to 12 hours or even longer. The drug may also cause insomnia when taken at high doses or when taken chronically by abusers who have become physically dependent.

Some effects that Rohypnol can produce include:

• fearlessness/loss of inhibitions
• impaired judgment
• impaired coordination
• confusion/disorientation
• nausea
• dizziness
• unsteady walk

Be careful with the drugs!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Downhill in Chile
The downhill consist to ride a bicycle down a mountain in short period of time. This sport are too much hard to practice.
In Chile the downhill is very nice because there have a lot of sponsors, and there participate a lot of people that are trying to be the best rider in the country.
All the years in Chile, during the summer, in the region of Valparaiso, "Oxford" (bike companny) realize the race "Cerro Abajo" and a lot of people  join to this important event to the history of the downhill in chile.

The Valparaiso Cerro Abajo (Down Hill) in Chile is, without a doubt, the craziest race we've ever seen. The twisting downhill course launches bike riders through the old cobblestone streets of Valparaiso at breakneck speeds.
But they don't just ride down the streets. That would be too easy. No, they ride down the sidewalks next to those streets, down staircases, off balconies, up walls, wall rides and basically anywhere that is dangerous, challenging, or scary. Oh, and try not hit the occasional stray dog that wanders in front of your path.

Video: Valparaiso "Cerro Abajo" by Oxford.

Ride hard, or stay at home...

Monday, October 8, 2012

Blog Assignment

1. How can drugs affect our brains?
Drugs change the way the brain works.

2. How can steroids affect our body?
Steroids affect the muscles.

3.what are club drugs?
Drugs that you can consume in a party at a club.

4.what can they do to our body?
The MDMA make blurred vision muscle tension and others. The other types of drugs like GHB, KETAMINE, LSD, METHAMPHETAMINE and ROHYPNOL make consequences like sedative, delirium, amnesia, increased heart rate, hight blood pressure, memory loss, agressive, violence and others.

The picture present the consecuences of one type of drug, that have the same consecuence of other durgs.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Can money and fame make happiness?

On my own opinion, the money solve to much problems, but the fame is not necesary to get money. Peolple whith money have more access to fun, hospitals, hotels, etc. The people with more money in the world, it`s doesent the most happiness.

Not all fame people have to much money, but them are trying to get the money, and search the happiness in other way of life.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Dramatical Cinemma Night -work in class-

Dramatical Cinemma Night.

By: José A. Vicente.
Colorado, 20/07/2012.

James Holmes, the author of the horrific scene that finish at least 14 dead´s and 50 wounded, on  july 20th at "century", the cinemma. James Holmes stard shooting with a gun during the movie.

A men went to the movie of "Batman" at Century cinemma, looking like the bad men of the movie. During the movie this person takes his gun and start shooting to the audience, ending with the life of 14 people and finishing with 50 wounded people.

The author of this scene, idetificated by "James Holmes", was catched by the police and today, the murder is waiting for his prison time.

This men was described with: orange hair, light eyes, and acrazy face.

When his capture was finished he asked: "Did you see the movie?"

Chandler Brannon said: "I went to the movie with my girlfriend", and now Chandler is to much sad.

Picture of James Holmes.

Monday, July 23, 2012


What is a nes report?
Is a story that have to follow a structure of seven different aspects.

What are the main features of a news report?
The main features of a news report are seven:

What are the features of  new´s report HEADLINES?
Auxiliary verbs.
Possessive adjectives.
Parts of speech.

3 Examples of new´s headlines of the day:
-Wiggins turns focus to Olympics.
-Drone to the rescue.
-How to land on Mars.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Work in class

Comparison of two text`s:

In both texts the authors have an absentee father and a hard worker mother. In the village school text, going to that school didn't seem to be something out of the ordinary, because they all knew that the kids will grow up to become workers in a factory. In the other hand, Austin Clarke has great expectations for his future, hehas the support of his mother and the village's, because he was going to a secondary school; in the village text, the author sisters are the most excited for the first day of school. Now, according to the attitude towards education, in the Barbados' text, they consider education as very important tool to rise a family through the kid, in the other text education is not as outstanding as in the other text.

Work in class feat J.P. Puelma

Page 31
1) Go to a factory at fourteen years old.
2) The boy says: "Wrapped me in scorves, tied up my bootlaces, thrust a cap on my head, and stuffed a baked potato in my pocket"
3) Was a sixteen years old junior teacher, the writer was buleed by big boy and the gracious lady rescue him and picked up the writer to infants area.
4) He was mad, with the school, because they not present him to the class, and beacuse they stole his potato.
5) The school change for him because he feels like a veteran, he was most ruthless kid, because if someone stolen his potato, he stole an apple

Page 33
1) Because in this day, a person of a poor village, is going to study, to be a doctor, a civil cervant, an thas was very important for the village.
2) They support him and said to him: "Go long, boy, and learn" "Learning going make you into a man"
3) Because, he thinks that Delcina is beautiful and beacuse she stop working to sing to him.
4) The description of the bag tells that the community wants to the kid to learn a lot of things in the school, and that he must get effort to get good grades.
5) He sat him down on throne of a chair, and he shawed his head.
6) They have very diferent ambition, beacuse he want to be civil servant, not something very important, but his mother wants that, he become a doctor.

Diary Entries

First Day at School.
It was the first day of school  and i was excited at first until i entered the entrance door it was huge everyone looking at me. It was huge school more 2 acres of land it had many rooms and a yard filled with courts. My first teacher Ms. Jackie  was a nice teacher for now and she directed us with some procedures and rules for the year she said " well class today were going to talk about class rules" First, no chewing gum. Second raise your hands when told. My next teacher or coach was my prefect, a boy who I didn`t remember his name he was a hard headed man he just liked to tease freshman so then he ,said to sit down and wait for him. It took him half of the class to give us instructions and forms to fill out. We went to lunch and had pizza not the best but better than my old school.
Taking my first steps into the class I heard a huge outburst of derisive laughter, accompanied by taunts directed by me. I seemed to have appealed to the mean streak in those students, and was the object of their ridicule, with words like "nerd"," geek" and "loser" being thrown at me. I was astonished at this seemingly strange reaction, which deflated my high spirits. Nevertheless I tried to ignore it and went and sat quietly in one lonely corner of the class. The teacher in the class was unable to control this atrocious behaviour.

First day at my new house!
May, 1999.
When I went to my new house finished in May of 1999, me and my sister get inside and run to the rooms to select one, the rooms are at the 2nd floor of the house and Itry to select one room and my older sisters finished the process to select the rooms, and I stay there without room because, the 2nd floor just have three rooms. When my dad comes up, I start explaining why I didn`t have room there, and my father said to my sister that im the male of four dotters, and y stay with a room and two of my sisters have to share her rooms.

My first bycicle.
In christmast of December, 2001, my dad (sta. claus), give to me a bycicle, to learn to ride. First times I fall too much, but my father learn me to ride better, and today that bycicle are in the garage of my house.


               Question 1

                     •In this graphicthe children of 7th grade answer about if online honesty is        rightand more tan a half of this children think about this is right online honesty.

                   Question 2
             •In this graphic the children answer about if them be honest online, and a 60% ofthe children who answear the question don’t use internet being honest, andthey put false information online.

        Question 3

      •Ithis 3rd graphic the 100% of the student who answer this question think thatthe internet consiste to show true information for the readers of internet,thinking about this information is sure and it is not a lie.

  Question 4

In this graphic all the children answer that is correct the question becausethisanswer consist in the opinion of all the children with them experiences withthe internet. In my opinion, I think the same answer beacuse I have verygood experiences with internet from last year and this year two.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

HOMEWORK:  IB learner´s profile.
Communicators: I think that this has to see with our unit because the student IB has to be able of listening to opinions and at the same time express the own one of a suitable way. For example: in a trip of study (like europe tour) to a country of another language, one has to be communicative to relate to the people of there.
Open Minded: Because the student opened of mind can accept different opinions and to put in the place of other one. For example: Agree people of another religion.
Balanced: Because they can  take decissions combining different point of view. For example: To asume an important role like a HEADBOY.

Monday, March 26, 2012

 In my opinion it is some kind of not naturally to manipulate the genes but there are diverse changes and one can obtain major.
In my opinion the manipulation of genes is not naturally but long-term they are better changes and one also can obtain major information manipulating these.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Ethics: in my opinion the ethics relate to the study of the morality and of the actions of the human being. The ethics make you take decisions for the good or the evil according to preference of each one, one can never predict the future and always it tries to take the best decision, and is there when the human being occupies the ethics.

 Dilemma: there are 4 persons in a ship and two fall to the water with temporarily, impossible to be saved swimming, in the ship there is only a lifeguard, and the person of the ship it can throw the woman with his baby or to a famous man.