Monday, November 5, 2012

Rohypnol Physiological Effects

Like other sedative/hypnotic drugs, Rohypnol produces a drowsy, relaxed feeling similar to being drunk. Muscles feel relaxed and speech may be slurred. Blood pressure can drop dangerously low. The effects of Rohypnol may last anywhere from two to eight hours, depending on the person taking it and the dosage they are taking. Some people report experiencing the physical effects for up to 12 hours or even longer. The drug may also cause insomnia when taken at high doses or when taken chronically by abusers who have become physically dependent.

Some effects that Rohypnol can produce include:

• fearlessness/loss of inhibitions
• impaired judgment
• impaired coordination
• confusion/disorientation
• nausea
• dizziness
• unsteady walk

Be careful with the drugs!