Friday, October 4, 2013


Dear Peter.

Im writing to you to tell you and to inform about the theme that we talked about at the recent meeting. Me and Paul were talking about our vacations in the future, and we want to go to a beach house with a group of friends and some workers of the office, but William, the guy who nobody likes, wants to go with us. Me and Paul decided, that we are going to give an oportunity to William to be sure if we want to have vacations with in a beach house with him, and we offered William to go toa restaurant at the lunch time. During the lunch time we knew mor of this guy, and he told us about his stones of vacations with friends, and we conclude that is a very good friend to have vacations with him.
At first impression, this guy is like a bad friend, but you have to know about him to be friends. We think that he has to go us to the beach house in vacations, because is a good guy and he doesnt want to have a bad vacations, and also he wants to know more about our friends of the office.
As teachibng, nobody can say if someone is a bad or good friend, because you dont know who they are at first impression.

See you as soon, have a nice week.


Friday, August 30, 2013

Work in class... UNIFORMS

1.- Schools uniforms are a perfect way to identify students within the school compound.
2.- School uniforms are perfect way to promote equality amongst the student.
3.-it is cheaper for you to buy school uniform for your child than it is to buy branded clothing. this is an advantage to parents who may not have access to money to buy new clothes for their children every new season or term.
4.-School uniforms also provide an atmosphere where the students are not distracted from their studies.
5.-School uniforms bring a sense of identify to the students.


1-they claim that the choice of what to wear falls on the students and their parents and shouls not be decided by the administration.
2.- uniform clothes are not confortable to stay during the day.

Friday, August 23, 2013

work in class

Are there any general dress codes in workplaces where you live? do you think dress codes are
- Yes, at the school, it´s effective, because it is more formal than other clothes in specially to participate in an activity external to the school. Us, in school, we used three types of uniforms: a formal, and second summer, which is casual, and the diver that is used for sporting or recreational.
in which other walks of life are dress codes important?
-Generally used in office work, formal reuniunes such as press conferences, among others, and if indeed formal vestments are important elsewhere, but generally people are not formal dresses stay indoors. For example, if you go to a funeral, the most appropriate is to go formal or a casual taken.
what are the dress code for young people in your countries?
-Iin my country, the dress code to a normalparty y what ever you want, but if the party is formal, a suit, and women with a dress, usually they use a short one.
what do dress codes tell us about a culture?
-People of another religion, usually Arabs who occupy a turban.
What prohibitions are there on certain dress codes in your country? why do these prohibition exist?
-for example in casinos, for a matter of formality in appearance, since the casino choose who attends and who does not.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Activity in class

A) Tattoos are mark of machismo- a form of expressions for sailors, bikers and convicts.
Tattoos are often symbolic of rich cultural historics.

B) In the 1960's tattoos was an antisocial activity an in 1990's is means of asserting ones identity.

C) Are marks of high status, and each tattoo design is unique to the individual as it conveys specific information about that person's social status, ancestry and skills.

D) The word that means PROSPECTIVE is "potentia".

E) It was also common for a tribe to give tattos to those who had proficiency in using tha symbol tha was a tattoed upon their body.

F) From a rebelious antisocialactivity in the 1960's to a mainstream means of asserting one's identity in the 1990's.

instruction sfor monday

Write a short letter of complaint to the tour operator about the things you wish could have been better in your trip to Europe.

Think of hotels, restaurants, food, people, tining, types of activities, places visited, etc.

You have to include the following connectives:

-because - furthermore - when - in particular - however - as a result - if write between 300 and 350 words.

Follow the example.

Friday, April 12, 2013


I find this advertisment on internet, loocking for sports clothes at NIKE company on line.
This company have to all the ages, male and female, whith a socialm status  very economic based in price & cuality, and this slogan motivate to educate peopleto do sport. This company is allarround the world, and people whi like sports, like to much this company.
The purpose of the advertisement is to motivate the people who do sport and the people who doesent do, try to pracctice this.
The slogan is considerate pathos because a motivatios to the people, dont think two times, "JUST DO IT",  a invitation to have a initiative.
Onmy opinion is not effective because the slogam is based jus in running, but they use to other sports two.
The type of fonts is depends of the publicity and the color printing is not static, they never use the samecolors. The potographs of the publicity is people doing sport whith nike clothes.
Amount of text to read is a short phrase.
This represent a short life with a good fitnes lifestyle.
Actually need the product because the people in the publicity is very confortable running, and his key concept is to be confort.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Rohypnol Physiological Effects

Like other sedative/hypnotic drugs, Rohypnol produces a drowsy, relaxed feeling similar to being drunk. Muscles feel relaxed and speech may be slurred. Blood pressure can drop dangerously low. The effects of Rohypnol may last anywhere from two to eight hours, depending on the person taking it and the dosage they are taking. Some people report experiencing the physical effects for up to 12 hours or even longer. The drug may also cause insomnia when taken at high doses or when taken chronically by abusers who have become physically dependent.

Some effects that Rohypnol can produce include:

• fearlessness/loss of inhibitions
• impaired judgment
• impaired coordination
• confusion/disorientation
• nausea
• dizziness
• unsteady walk

Be careful with the drugs!